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  • Wood cladding

Wood cladding

Update Terakhir
15 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Lembar
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63 kali

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Detail Wood Cladding

Welcome to Wood Cladding

Wood Cladding is a part of the Roma Export group that focuses on the production and outsourcing of interlocking solid 3d wooden wall panels. After browsing through the available products on the market, we noticed that most of the wood cladding was too expensive, poorly made or impossible to export. While producing some items our self we decided to also set up a network of trustworthy suppliers that can create a consistent product against a reasonable price. Given the scale at which we buy we can manage to keep the prices of our 3d wooden cladding low, yet keep the quality of the panels at its best.

Within the variety of 3d panels we offer there is a clear difference in both the sophistication, with which the product was made and the type and amount of materials used. The more exclusive models contain either A grade or Reclaimed teak and some of the cheaper once consist of lower grade woods, from various different types of wood, such as Teak, Mahogany, Balau etc. The latter however would normally create a problem with the consistent appearance of the wooden panels, which is the reason why we use various different finishes on panels with mixed sources of wood. Playing around with different wood finishes gave birth to the “boat wood” variant in our collection. With an extensive variety of finishes and paint we have managed to make the panels appear as if they were made out of recycled boats, giving the 3d panels a rustic and antique appearance. .

Even though 3d wooden wall panels do consist of wood they don’t necessarily have a negative impact on the environment. The wall panels are constructed using cut of wood or in other words scrap wood from various large furniture suppliers in Yogyakarta, making it a product almost fully produced out of factory waste. Some of the panels are even made with scrap from reclaimed teak. Reclaimed teak itself is already a recycled material, recycled from the demolition of old houses. By using the parts that were not used in the furniture production process, we manage to recycle it once again, keeping the waste to a minimum. Besides the main component all the items we sell are constructed with solvent free glues/adhesives, eradicating the harm upon the environment, health of our workers and the end consumer.

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